Computer Usage and Rules

Software Links
By clicking ACCEPT Above you agree to the following Acceptable Use Policy, both Now and in the Future.Any violations of the below conditions will result in the suspension or termination of the student Internet and/or computer privileges. Other disciplinary actions may be determined as appropriate by school officials.
Summary- Every computer is inspected prior to being assigned- You will be held responsible for ANY NEW damage on your assigned computer- Repair rate is $50/hr + Parts- Do Not Share - Logins or Computers (for any reason at any time)- Computer Equipment is for School Instructional Usage ONLY (music or videos via any method is prohibited)- Violations may result in the loss of computer privileges
Policy:Access to Internet, computers, and other network resources at The Ranch Academy offer students an unlimited source of resources and information to support their educational development. Students have the privilege of using the Internet for expert resources and participating in various other learning activities. Access to these resources is granted only when the student agrees to the Acceptable Use Policy.Acceptable use, Students may not:- consider any files or communications private, all files and communication are monitored- use any usernames or passwords besides their own or share their's- use any other device not assigned to them nor share their's- use resources inconsistent with the general code of conduct- use resources for non-school related activities, including printing, file storage, and Internet bandwidth- use resources for any illegal activities, including violations of copyright laws and piracy- access any social media unless authorized by their supervising staff- access personal email unless authorized by their supervising staff- stream music and video unless authorized by their supervising staff- damage or mistreat equipment or other network resources- load or copy any software to or from network resources- trespass into or in any way alter anyone else’s files- disclose any personal information, their own, fellow students, families, or staff member- engage in practices which threaten the integrity of the network or attempting to bypass filters- write, use, send, download, or display obscene, threatening, harassing, or otherwise offensive messages, pictures, or pornography.